Wednesday, September 24, 2008
@ 9:28 PM
good nite guys.....
it is insane to blog at this period of time and year ....but due to boredness....i am on it again
i bet nobody is seeing this post as all r preparing for fye...even me too
been going to library to study ...can understand most of the subjects already ....but if you give me a test paper....i can just pass or fail cause did not really go memorize the things....
currently spamming myself with phy and maths questions......need to practice and improve more if i want to pass....
sometimes life is just not fair....
ppl get more talent than you and they do not need to work as hard as us to achieve the same result as us ...
some ppl still achieve nothing after working so hard ...wats the point of working so hard .....
even if they did achieve something is still not enough compared to wat they order to help us improve further ...god create one thing(i think so...according to my logic)..teachers
they are there to help us improve and learn....but wat is the use of them if they say a load full of knowledge at a superhuman speed and we cannot absorb any 1 bit of it ....wats the the end....we have to ask around ...get help from friends and look into textbook ...there is no meaning to their extistence ...i am not saying that there are no use of them ...but i am learning nothing at all .....hais would be a mircale if i managed to pass phy and chem and ss.....and geog...and bio .....opps ...i miss out english too....
if i pass will surely be the combined effort of my friends...thnx guys...(even though you all might see this after exam ....all not at all but nevertheless...thnx)
ppl always say"pratice make perfect"
but nobody is perfect so y practice...
how much i wish i am nobody .....
get my meaning?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
@ 9:44 PM
exam is more using of internet ....blogger ....and msn .....
may seem impossible butbutbutbutbutbutbutbut.......
arghh really impossible.....
juz wish me good luck for fye
Saturday, September 13, 2008
@ 6:10 PM
yoyoyoguys...pds vid and promotion pics are with me...will post it tml...
a reminder to all :
study hard
good luck for fye
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
@ 8:59 PM
yoyoyo...exam coming....fcuk you la spoiler.......
no mood to study ..or should i say that the mood is there but seriously no time... now struggling with pds performance....will not blog till a long time after exam ....must score for it ...
lastly ....shall post two pics which i promise all a long time a go ...overdue....

joon houng face when taking

me with the ic
thats all folks ..bye
Thursday, September 4, 2008
@ 4:38 PM
bac guys
yo yo yo ..i am bac from hell....quite hell expect for my crappy pc...
pass out successfully from there...and heres the updated
first day :
go yck mrt wait for them ...see kaiser inside there ...then go buy bread eat ...then jeff come ...then we go liao ...nvr wait for jh and js cause going to be late soon ....but human count mind as well heaven count...we walk until halfway ...rain......we quick ly go find shelter at the sport complex there ...i think it is a sport complex from the way it looks...when the rain become lighter ...we quickly move off...
go check in ...bla bla bla...all the meaningless stuff that you all will doze off reading it
go attend sm lecture ...hear him talk talk talk learn some thing in th end ....
second dae ...
TEST ....the whole morning and afternoon section damne demoralised by the ppl doing the mutuals....all lyk nvr prepared wan...
got 1 section finished very quickly go watch movie at some place....damne good la
during free time we keep socialising the pc says his way of socialising is to touch that tree then come back ...damne funh time must try ...hehehe...all cadets under me who has saw that plz watch out...
my pc damne wat la ....he can talk with us until halfway go talk abt bollywood 2 ppl dancing ...then 1 coconut treee pop out of nowhere and thousand of ppl pop out of nowhere too...then dance dance ....all the ppl go away and the tree disappear ....
still got a lot ah ...but i forget liao....
third dae:)
go kfc eat
then home sweet home
those who noe the detail come ask me if you want cause i lazy update liao