Saturday, August 9, 2008
@ 10:17 AM
yoyoyoyo finally ndp is over....clap clap....
it was indeed a well done perf for all ugs guys....
although it will not be a perfert one with out seniors and sirs and mdm coming down to help us out...
so again a big tnx to you all...
and i heard some one complaining about me blogging in a short para ....then might as well dun blog.....its gonna change from todae....
so lets get it started from cugc pics.......p.s. all cugc and ndp pic are with me.....those who want it get it from me....

ok...the start of cugc camp....with all guys fall in

our two handsome cwo....nicky and zhi hao

the parade starting soon....gonna report strength

company ics reporting to 2ic

2ic to oic...

finally oic to mr siva
while we r having leadership talk....there is still the campfire prep going on....should be i think

our campfire ic janez....and 1 of our sec 4 senior...without them there will be no lets thnx them

the wood used for camp fire

next up with have mr de lao shi....quite cool from this angle rite...

without this two...there will be no food throughout the camp...they r the log ic and 2ic....serene and jlee

games play during leadership course

opps did every topple under my weight haha


the whole camp getting ready to do pt...

doing jumping jacks
during the camp...with even have ndp rehearsal fun is that...haha

as a land guy...this must be the pic i must put...

the gg contingent

the rx contingent

the bb contingent

the air contingent

the np contingent...

the flag commander...nicky

the very "shuai" parade commander

i dun noe how but this pic appear in my cam

the foyer fup...

jh saluting

the sec 3 having a tALK with sir when something happen

log captain

preparation for campfire

campfire starting soon and mr siva givin a talk

campfire emcees

sec 4 and seniors..

sir izuan and sir john and wei jie
after cugc ...the next big event is ndp and here the pics

the band...

parade rsm

right marker of supporting con

red x and gg marching in..

bb marching in

parade 2ic

parade formed up...opps cam too small so cannot squeese bb in sorrie

land pride..

inspecting the parade

march past...
after the parade was chaos

so thats all for the big two evvent,,,,
after that it is all going to be the same lets not waste any time and get the tough started ...ok guys?